Social Intelligence by Synthesio, An Ipsos Company2024-07-31T06:34:20-04:00


AI-powered insights to help you make better, faster business decisions.


Ipsos Synthesio Topic Modeling

AI-powered trend detection lets you scan, analyze, and visualize millions of social data points in minutes.

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Unveiling Signals GenAI: Your Shortcut to Instant Consumer Insights!

Join Ipsos Synthesio in redefining the insight value, speed and simplicity of AI-enabled Consumer Intelligence. Signals GenAI✨, our pioneering Generative AI platform app, empowers you to transform real-time consumer signals into actionable insights within just 60 seconds. Now everyone can turn millions of consumer voices in actionable insights with just three simple clicks!

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A social listening pioneer and global leader in AI-enabled consumer intelligence

Explore your market 

Track evolving consumer behavior, emerging trends, and competitors in real-time. 

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Spot unmet consumer needs

Leverage AI technology to process data faster, spot patterns, and identify opportunities for innovation.

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Protect and grow your brand

Understand what your audience is really saying, foresee brand impact, and lower risk.

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Powering global brands

Remy Cointreau Social Intelligence
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Social Intelligence Customer - Sega

How L’Oréal uses AI to predict trends and stay ahead of competitors

“Ipsos Synthesio saves time for our marketers and our laboratories with actionable insights and faster access to information.”

Charles Besson, Global Insights & AI Director, L’Oréal

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