What’s big at CES 2016? New cars and technology that goes along with them were the primary focus of online conversations around the first half of CES, according to the Social Media Intelligence that I pulled using Synthesio’s leading global Social Intelligence platform, with 21.6% of all online mentions around CES 2016 discussing it.


CES is one of the top global shows, with some of the worlds greatest innovations that help make our daily lives more convenient and fun. This year is no different, with so many new cars and a slew of great innovations with the technology inside of them, it isn’t much of a surprise that the leading driver of buzz thus far has been car technology. Online, many of the conversations revolve around the excitement of truly connecting your car to the other facets of your life in new and innovative ways. With the excitement of CES 2016, 28.6% of all car technology mentions are positive.


Following car technology, the focus of global online conversations surrounded televisions (14.8% of online conversations), phones (10.8%), wearable technology (10.3%), virtual reality (9.4%), IoT (9.2%) and connected homes (7.9%).

Here are some other interesting information, statistics, and data that we found:

  • 78% of all conversations were being had by men, while only 22% were had by females.

The conversations were being had in the following language:

  • English (54.6%)
  • French (18.6%)
  • German (7.1%)
  • Spanish (6.7%)
  • Italian (4.7%)


What have people been buzzing about? Here is the word cloud for the first half of CES 2016:

  • The top influencers for the first half of CES 2016 have been, so far:


Synthesio has been analyzing and will continue to analyze, all global conversations surrounding CES on social media platforms, mainstream online news sites, blogs, forums and more throughout the rest of the show, stay tuned for a more in-depth and complete look at the entire show early next week.