Today, December 10th, 2019, is Human Rights Day! Seventy-one years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Today, nonprofit organizations, celebrities, influencers, and individuals alike use the Internet to share about crises or movements that they want to bring attention to. Naturally, we wanted to see what people care about on a global scale. In honor of Human Rights Day, we’re using our social listening platform to identify the top social media trends of Human Rights Day 2019.

Social Media Trends Show The Where and What Behind Online Conversations

Our heat map of online conversations reveals that people in India, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and China are most vocal about Human Rights Day.


But let’s take a look at why these countries are abuzz.

Analyzing social media keywords reveals topics of global interest. We were able to get a bird’s eye view of what people are saying by looking at the top keywords used in these conversations, as well as the context behind them.


The words equality, freedom, women, justice, and violence reveal the large themes that concern the global population. But did you notice that India is also a top word?

Global Concerns on Social Media

Our platform generates a contextual report for every data point on the interface. Here’s what we found after clicking into the keyword India (see below).

A quick look at the report’s top 30 co-mentioned words reveals Kashmir, referring to the geographical area connecting India, Pakistan, and China. Recently, India has placed Kashmir under lockdown, causing an international outcry.

Here’s an example of a tweet related to the situation in Kashmir.

Let’s keep digging. Here are the top 50 hashtags from social networks.


While most of these hashtags might not raise too many eyebrows, the 7th most popular hashtag on Human Rights Day is #CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019. This hashtag refers to a controversial bill passed in India just mere hours into Human Rights Day. In short, it allows migrants of religious minorities to become Indian citizens, but excludes Muslims.

Many are using social media to speak out.


Moreover, a look at the top regions where people talked about Human Rights Day confirmed the high interest in India’s actions. For example, Punjab, Maharashtra, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh are all parts of India, while Sindh is part of Pakistan.


Furthermore, England and Hong Kong are topping the charts, with the latter still in the midst of pro-democracy demonstrations.

In fact, our platform found that some of the most viral images came from the Hong Kong protests.


Who’s Talking?

Our platform found that across the Internet, 99% of conversations about Human Rights Day happened on Twitter. Here’s how the Twitter conversation boomed over the past few days.

We were curious about the Twitter users who have the most influence on Human Rights Day.


Many of the top influencers are affiliated with the United Nations, with the exception of Rappler (@rapplerdotcom), a Philippines-based news outlet, and the official government accounts of Pakistan, India, and the United States.

Besides major influencers, here’s the demographic breakdown of who’s talking.


Shockingly, people talking about Human Rights Day 2019 on Twitter are all under the age of 35. Overall, females account for 58% of these conversations, while males account for 42%. Most notably, females between 18-24 are the most vocal.

Social Media Trends Identify Public Concerns that Businesses Need To Pay Attention To

Above all, Human Rights Day is a day for people to share about the crises that matter to them, raise awareness, and motivate action. During this time, businesses can take advantage of online conversations to pinpoint how to effectively communicate with consumers and learn about the causes they can support to boost trust with consumers. Learn how our social listening suite provides answers that matter to government and non-profit organizations.